Jim Watson - Class of 2008
- 25 Years of Service 1983 - 2007
- 16 Years as member of AzFOA Board 1990 - 2005
- 10 Years as the First AZ State Rules Interpreter 1995 - 2005
- 13 Years Instructing In New Officials Class 1993 - 2005
- Worked Six Championship Games
- 1986 LineJudge Division 2A
- 1991 Referee Division 4A
- 1996 Referee Division 5A
- 1998 Referee Division 3A
- 2001 Referee Division 5A
- 2006 Referee Division 4A1
- Arizona Official of the Year - 2000
- Founder of Annual White Hat Seminar
- Member of the Board and Instructor - The Ed Trexler Football Officials Camp